/* $Id: bm.js 3203 2008-08-07 15:46:15Z josh $ */ var BM = { onDOM : { // for legacy implementations and custom javascript add-ins addEvent : function (func) { document.observe('dom:loaded', func); } }, initPage : function() { BM.updateSubNav(); BM.setCommentFields(); BM.popExternalLinks(); }, popExternalLinks : function() { if (window.name == 'newsite') { //prevent ext links from replacing page window.id = ( window.name = 'win' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999999999) + 1).toString() ); } Event.observe($$('body')[0], 'click', BM.clickExternal); }, clickExternal : function(event) { // pop new window and give focus for target var e = Event.element(event); var link = e.tagName=='A' ? e : e.up('a'); if(link && link.target == 'newsite') { if (!BM.newWin(link)) { // returns false on success for onclick Event.stop(event); return false; } return true; // popup blocked, just allow regular behavior } }, newWinStyle : { 'newsite' : [ '', //fill to force target name 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes,toolbar=yes,' + 'location=yes,menubar=yes,directories=yes,personalbar=yes' ], 'popup' : [ '', //fill to force target name 'width=550,height=350,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes,toolbar=yes,' + 'location=yes,menubar=yes,directories=yes,personalbar=yes' ] }, newWin : function(link,styleName,customStyle) { var targ = link.target || 'newsite'; if (!styleName) styleName = targ; var attr = customStyle || BM.newWinStyle[styleName] || BM.newWinStyle.newsite; targ = attr[0] || targ; var newWin; var newWin; try { //ie6 can choke if window already exists newWin = window.open(link.href, targ, attr[1]); } catch (err) { link.target = '_blank'; return true; } try { //ie6 can choke if window already exists newWin = window.open(link.href, targ, attr[1]); } catch (err) { link.target = '_blank'; return true; } if (!newWin) { return true; //pop-up blocker, let the link open via target } newWin.focus(); return false; }, activeSubNav : {}, // for subnavigation highlighting updateSubNav : function() { $H(BM.activeSubNav).keys().each( function(slug) { $$('li.bmn_sec-' + slug).each( function(li) { Element.addClassName(li,'bmn_active'); }); }); }, dispTip : function(tips) { if (!tips || !tips.length) return; var i = (60 / tips.length); var d= new Date(); var s= d.getSeconds(); var show = Math.floor(s/i); if (show >= tips.length) show = show -1; $$('div.bmw_tip' + tips[show]).each(function(tip) { tip.style.display = 'block'; }); }, setCommentFields : function() { if (!BM.cName || !BM.cEmail || !BM.cURL) return; var nlen = 7; //bmcomm length var i = 0; var c= document.cookie; var value; while (i < c.length) { var j = i + nlen; if (c.substring(i,j) == 'bmComm=') { var endstr = c.indexOf(';',j); if (endstr < 0) endstr = c.length; value = unescape(c.substring(j,endstr)); break; } i = c.indexOf(' ',i) + 1; if (i==0) break; } if (!value) return; var vals = value.split(':::'); $(BM.cName).value = vals[0]; $(BM.cEmail).value = vals[1]; $(BM.cURL).value = vals[2]; $('bmf_comment_remember').checked = true; }, saveCommentCookie : function() { if (!BM.cName || !BM.cEmail || !BM.cURL) return; var name = $F(BM.cName), email = $F(BM.cEmail), url = $F(BM.cURL); if ($('bmf_comment_remember').checked) { var expDate = new Date(); //safari has a setdate bug that limits number of days expDate.setDate(expDate.getDate() + 96); expDate.setDate(expDate.getDate() + 96); document.cookie = 'bmComm=' + escape(name+':::'+email+':::'+url) + '; expires=' + expDate.toGMTString(); } else { document.cookie = 'bmComm=;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT'; } }, removeEdit : function() { document.cookie = 'BigMediumEdit=;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT;path=/'; $$('p.bmEditPanel').invoke('remove'); return false; }, Feed : { build : function() { if(!$('bmjsForm')){ return } var id = BM.Feed.newID(),cfld = $('bmjsCount'); var count = cfld.value.replace(/\D+/g,''); if (!count){count=5} cfld.value=count; var targ=($F('bmjsWin')||''),desc=($F('bmjsDesc')||''),img=($F('bmjsImage')||''); var url = $F('bmjsFeed')+';count='+count+';desc='+desc+';image='+img +';target='+targ+';id='+id; var styles = BM.Feed.styles(id); $('bmjsCode').innerHTML='<!--start news gadget -->\n' + styles + '<script type="text/javascript" id="'+id+'_scr">\n' + '(function(){\nvar id="'+id+'",d=document.createElement("div");d.id=id;\n' + 'var me=document.getElementById(id+"_scr");me.parentNode.insertBefore(d,me);\n' + 'var s=document.createElement("script");s.type="text/javascript";s.charset="utf-8";\n' + 's.src="'+url+'";\nsetTimeout(function(){d.appendChild(s);d=me=s=null;},1);' + '})();\n</script>\n<!--end news gadget -->'; $('bmjsSample').innerHTML='